Saturday, April 26, 2008

5 weeks

It has been a while since we have blogged, so for those of you who are still checking, here is a quick update:

Rebekah has been behaving herself. She sleeps well at night (most nights from 12-6) which anyone who has kids will tell you that is an accomplishment this early in the game! She also has been caught smiling a few times (or maybe it's just gas, but we like to think she is smiling at us!) 

Her baptism went well, considering she was awake throughout the entire first half of the service, but didn't cry until the end. It was nice to see so many of our family and friends come to witness such an event. God has shown his faithfulness once again by giving us this covenant child. We hope to get some photos up soon!

Mom and Dad are also well. Mitch has finished school for the year and is off to the wonderful world of nursery work for the summer. Dana is at home with Bek finding things to do around the house. Home improvements that are lined up to be completed this summer include: painting the bathroom, front hall and possibly kitchen, the front porch is being re-done and Mitch just completed a side patio. The gardens are starting to bloom and new growth is coming up. We love to spend time outside in the summer!

Well that's all for now. More to come...

Friday, April 25, 2008

5 week photos:

Taking a Nap
All Wrapped Up
Afternoon Sleep



Friday, April 4, 2008

After two weeks

Look at that Little Face.
Perfect Fit
Staring Contest
Hopefully the animal she picks... I bought it for her.
Sleeping Beauty
Dad and Daughter
Look at those eyes.
She really loves her carseat...


Happy Two Week Day Rebekah!!!

+  Well folks, our little daughter has officially made it out.
Today is the second week anniversary of her monumental birth on March 21, 2008.
As most of you know, a newborn human child is weighed almost immediately following their birth into the world and soon afterwards they lose a relatively large percentage of their initial weight. Well, supposedly a newborn child should weigh all or more of what they weighed at birth after two weeks of life out-of-womb.
I am pleased to announce that Rebekah should be earning a Baby Medal of Honor for going above and beyond the call of the doctor's duty at her weekly check-up today, weighing in at a staggering 8 pounds, 2 ounces. This clobbered her birth weight by 11 ounces everyone... think about it.

+  Dana is looking more and more like her old and weirdly small self. I say weirdly because I had become accustomed to her rather gargantuan pregnant self... Don't look at me like that. I'm her husband and it is definitely par for the course to call a spade a spade. 
She is really recovering quickly though, and will soon be back to firing on however many cylinders she traditionally fired on. 
We are very thankful for everything running so smoothly thus far.

+  Rebekah Marie will soon be donning her very own birth certificate. Speaking of which, it was not only surprising, but a little depressing to find an item in our snail-mail box yesterday addressed to a two-week-old girl. She can't even crawl yet, let alone read or write, and she's getting more mail than us!?
Anyway, it was mostly a nice surprise. I'm only joking about that depressing part...

+  As far as Rebekah is concerned, big steps in the near future include reaching ten pounds, reaching her quarter year day bash, learning to smile when she recognizes things worth  smiling at (hopefully us) and changing her own diaper when it is needed. That last one is not a joke.

+  Ok. What else? 
Well, she's a newborn baby for crying out loud!
For the closest family and friends it is exciting, but if you really think about it from a hollywood perspective, her life would make a weak sitcom. She only eats and sleeps. That's it. 
Naturally, we the parents love holding her, seeing her, talking about her, photographing her, dressing her, etc., etc., etc. (changing her is deliberately omitted), but it's really not all that much to report on a daily basis. 
This is not to say that we are bored or expect her to be our personal entertainment (which she is half the time), only to say that it is remarkable how a little child that does so little can be so literally enthralling. 

+  That's about it for this week's entry. (Speaking of weeks, this will undoubtedly turn into a weekly and then biweekly affair). Enjoy this week's photo's.

+  Happy Two Weeks Baby !